@Deleted User Good news, we've identified the root cause of that on iOS and will include the hotfix in a next release (1.8.4) likely still this week.
Whilst it may not automatically solve all of the freeze related issues that you're experiencing, it shall improve situation dramatically.
Once you have it and experience freeze issue it would then be good if you could note if there was any direct action / operation that caused that (e.g. folder rename or media backup etc.).
Thank you, Tom. I dont expect the fix to be that fast. I just updated to 1.8.4 a few hours ago and it seems to fix the issue to some extent. I will use the app for a few weeks and will inform you if the issue ever happen again.
Yes, the issue happened on iOS. I dont use android so I dont know if it happend on android, but on windows it's fine. I'm fine with only using the first password. In fact, I updated all of my rclone backend to only use the first password to be compatible with s3drive. And I do use s3 backend to backup some of my data. But when it comes to syncing data in realtime, I found using cloud storage syncing services much more suitable to my workflow. For example, I can use rclone mount to sync data in realtime, but then there are times when I am on business trip and I dont have a stable internet connection. That's why I need the encrypted data to exist offline on my laptop, and then I will sync it in realtime to dropbox.
Well, I know I can use rclone copy or the sync function within s3drive app to sync the data to s3 backend, just like with dropbox (not in realtime though). But then, if I want to add data from my phone, it will need bi direction sync, and I think the function is not stable yet, not that I want to risk with my importan data.
Till now, the freeze issue happened when I came back to the app. It's not like it happened because of any particular action, it freezed the moment I open the app and I cant do anything without force close it. But when I reopen the app, the app works fine, I dont have any problem with any function within the app.
Just my curious, what causes the freeze issues on iOS? Glad that you guys found the root cause.
Anw, it's my first time seeing such a great support from a product. Shout out to your team.